When he heard about the local contest, and that there were only four people signed up he thought it was an easy way to make a little money - there is prize money for first, second, and third place. But it was not the plan to win. He has a really good speech, its really a sermon, about the difference between Rotary on Grand Turk, and here in California.
After the contest was over we stopped by the Studio Diner, which I think I blogged about once before, to get a chocolate malt.
We had a good talk breaking down the results of the contest. Lucas said that we only have three rules in our house:
1. If you're not first, you're last
2. If you lay on the floor you get stepped on
3. There is no such thing as too much chocolate
Now, I am pretty sure that first rule is from a movie. And the second one is actually more of a life lesson, than a rule. And the tird one is a rule. In any case, Lucas would set the bar pretty high for all three rules.
It was a good four-way test speech contest this year. One of the girls told Lucas that the competition this year was at a totally different caliber than it was last year. She has competed every year for the last four years. Last month we had never even heard of the Four-Way Test speech contest I was very happy that Lucas worked on in his speech three different days this week.