Saturday, May 30, 2015

Davis graduates high school. What????

I just sent a message to Blue Water Divers letting Mitch know that Davis wants to complete his Master Diver certification on Grand Turk. This has made me reflect on a few things. 

This blog that I wrote for many years was about me, and my adventure. But, this week Davis is graduating high school and is moving on to a university to study marine biology. In the future, it may bear out that my adventure was really about Davis.

While we were on Grand Turk, Davis learned to love the sea, and the ecosystems that the sea offers. In fact, when he wanted to to get his dive cert we said no. But he would not take no for an answer. He went over to Mitch's house, got a book, studied, passed his test, and got his cert. He was 12. 

He has never changed. He has had a determination to succeed, and he has done it on his own. This week he will graduate Southwest High School, in El Centro, California, Magna Cum Laude, with a grade point of 4.25. As he states, he will graduate with the highest grade point average of any "Hitch" in history. 

I think he is right. I graduated high school with a 3.95, fifth in my class from West High School, under four valedictorians, and I graduated Magna Cum Laude, fourth in my class from The Ohio State University, with a 3.58 grade point average, with Distinction in Architecture. But these things don't matter, and no one remembers.