Today, the Crystal Millennium was in port. 2250 people got off the boat, 500 came to the museum. But, again, I will talk about this later.
What I want to talk about is what happened last week.
Last week I tagged along on a boat ride to Hog Island with a Fish and Wildlife guy and a couple of archaeologists. This was my first trip on the water and my first trip to an outer island.
The archaeologists were looking for sites that had been excavated in the 1990s. Hog Island has not been inhabited since WWII and they thought the sites should be visible from where the 1m x 1m test pits had been dug. They were right.
Archaeological testing has been limited on the island, which surprised me because everywhere I looked I thought the land forms looked good for prehistoric occupation
And everywhere I looked I found evidence of this. There is a lot of work that could done here and that is exciting.
But that is a story for another time.
This blog is about whales.
On the way back, we passed by three humpback whales swimming in Captains Bay. There were whales in Grand Turk, and there were whales in San Diego, but this is the first time I have ever seen whales. And they were really close. It was cool.
The whales have been in the bay for the last two weeks. Today, the passengers off the cruise ship were able to walk to the bay and see them. They are spouting and just hanging out. I saw them again, just catching a ride home tonight.
How cool is that. Whales for the first time.