Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Court House Burned Down

Again, I can't believe it has been a week already. I would say that is because nothing exciting has happened. But then the movie crew left over the weekend, the Sandbar closed for renovations, a museum trustee from Norway has been here all weekend, It was tourism awareness week, there were model sloop races in the Salina on Sunday, I ordered tiles for the house, and today the courthouse burned down.

Evidently the courthouse caught fire around 5:30 this morning and burned all day. There were hundreds of people out to watch. I shot digital film and Deborah retrieved the museum camera and took video. We had one of the few video cameras at the scene and our video coverage left the island around 3:00 to go over to Provo to be aired on the local news.

Actually, the more I think about it, this has been a huge week. I received a travel grant for the Association of Preservation Technology conference in San Juan. Yesterday and today I have been trying to get travel in order. Over the weekend we are going over to Provo to stay at the Royal West Indies resort and look at the museum property there. I finally met Ellesio, an Italian conga player looking for a band. We are going to start playing together in December for Christmas parties. I went to see him play on Sunday and I am having dinner at his house tomorrow.

On Sunday night I had dinner with the trustee who is here this week. After a lengthy and stimulating debate about signature architecture, I talked about my friend Mark Morris, the architecture critic now at Cornell University in New York. My trustee had me call Mark on Monday and make arrangements for him to come down and investigate possible museum design strategies in January.

Sorry, this has been a crazy week. I could have written a blog everyday, but I have been exhausted. Today, I went snorkeling with our distant neighbor, German Niki, who wanted to show me the good spots to snorkel off of our beach. I am sorry for everything I have written about snorkeling, because I was in the kiddy pool. You have no idea...Maybe I will try and write a while blog about this tomorrow.

I am exhausted right now, but I am on my way out to see of I can catch Mitch's band at the Osprey.

Talk Soon.

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