This is the new catch phrase around our house. I'm just say'en...followed by some ridiculous claim about how bad school is, or your brother is, or the fact that you have to clean something.
The last six months have been a fairly radical change for Martin, Lucas, and Davis. Right now they are in the final stages of their year in school. Under the British and Bahamian systems, this involves the end of year exams. They just finished their finals, which here are 70 percent of your grade.

These next exams are a series of tests in each class that covers everything you have learned in the year. The tests are above and beyond the normal final exam. They determine your placement for next year, and whether you can begin sitting for the CXC, which is Caribbean exam that completes your high school education. These are tough, because we came into the school half way through the year.
But I'm just say'en...when I look at these pictures it seems to me that life ain't so bad. If I stopped to take a look at my life and actually saw the backdrop in which I was standing, I think I would smile a little more.
Neil and Deneen,
I can't tell you how excited I was when Jack told me about your recent life change and fun adventure! I have been catching up on the Blog (I equate it to discovering the Sopranos in the middle of season 3) and want to talk ASAP! We are so envious!! Please email me w contact info.........
John and Carrie DeLozier
email me at neal.hitch@tcmuseum.org
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