Monday, April 4, 2011

Eating Al Fresco just South of Ocotillo

Its funny cause its true. Get it. Eating al fresco implies an upscale, pretentious outside dining establishment. And I am suggesting that there is a new hip place to eat south of the small town of Ocotillo...But really its eating on a blanket in the shade of an actual ocotillo cactus (which by the way was the only shade we found the whole day). See, its funny cause its true.

On Sunday I got an invite to accompany a small informal hiking club on a 3 1/2 hike into the Jucumba Wilderness. This was an interesting small group of mostly professors. They have an organized hike once a month.

As a hiking club they hike into one of the desert recreational areas. They have a have a pleasant lunch. Then they take a nap. Or a siesta as they liked to call it. Still, I am pretty sure it was a nap.

Kind of funny. I did not catch the lunch or nap part of the invite and was totally unprepared. But in the end, I pulled out my ipod, laid back on the floor of the desert, felt the sun on my face, and had quite a nice experience.

I was thinking...I have packed some pretty mean lunches into some extremely interesting places before. Deneen and I had a whole "extreme" picnic set up prior to having children. Next time I get an invite, they are going to be just a little surprised with what I am going to bring.

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