This week the wind has died down.
Yesterday it was 112 degrees. Today it was 116.
When I first came everyone wanted to tell me about the heat. Its actually no big deal. I like the heat. And compared to Grand Turk where it was 105 degrees and 90% humidity this is nothing.
Deneen wishes she could go to the beach. I keep reminding her that she spent most of her life in Ohio, where there is no beach. But she will have none of it.
"If its this hot, there should be a beach," is all she will keep saying.
It is 6:00pm, the house will not cool down, everyone is sweating. I think maybe we are just getting seasoned for somewhere really hot!
Oh, we can see one of John McCain's border fires from the museum. The boys and I wanted to hike up and see it. That would be super cool.
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