Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hellowood - Alt Cathedral

You can see the full proposal here:

The Roman god Janus was depicted as a sculpture with two faces; one face young and the other face old. Therefore, both the Roman city gate and the god represented entry and exit; the past and the future; outside and inside. We often find this duality in the nature of spirituality and community as well. The duality is present in the concepts of gods and mortals, yin and yang, good and evil. Arriving at the city and crossing the threshold separated those who were outside from those who were inside.

Arrival represents the concept to belong. There is celebration. There are our offerings. There is the act of greeting. Of meeting old friends. Of introduction to fellowship. In all communities these rituals of arrival take an architectural form.

We propose to create the Alt-Cathedral, a form representing a type of “alter” for fellowship and belonging. The Alt-Cathedral will incorporate and surround the Sanctuary that was constructed in 2015. The Sanctuary claimed that “all people, regardless of faith, require an outlet for peace, reflection, thought, discussion, and prayer.” We embrace this idea. We build on the exploration of the physical nature of such a space. The Sanctuary will serve as the inward most space of the Alt-Cathedral. The angular planes will be transformed into frames where the names of Hellowood participants can be enshrined. This will be an area where we honor those who came before us.

The cathedral structure built around the Sanctuary will be devoted to spaces for the daily rituals that most small communities practice. The focal area will be the “Alter.” This will serve as a firepit for fellowship. Focus is the Latin word for hearth or fireplace. Traditionally, the hearth is at the center of the community. It is the place of cooking and of sacrifice, or warmth and redemption. It is literally the focal point of the community.

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