I am in Dulles International Airport waiting to board a flight to Budapest, Hungary. I will be leading a workshop at an art and architecture camp called Hellowood, Last year, Lucas attended Hellowood as a junior in the school of architecture at Judson University. We followed his week on Instagram and Facebook. The whole time I wished I could be there.
This year, when the call for proposals was released, Martin called me to say he wanted to submit a project. So, Martin, Lucas, and I submitted a proposal to build an installation called the Alt-cathedral at Hellowood 2016. We were the only US team to be selected and will be one of 14 projects to be built.
Lucas is in Hungary now, preparing our site. I will see him in Budapest tomorrow if all goes well. He has spent the last seven months in London attending the Architectural Association of England.
The projects and schedules were just released. Though Martin did all of the design work, I evidently get all of the credit. I took a screen shot of our project because it makes me so proud.

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