Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Six Months

Can you believe I have been here for six months. Today is march 5. I arrived in the Turks and Caicos on September 5. In some ways it seems like it has just been a few weeks. In others, it seems like I have been here for years.

You can look back through these blogs and see that it has been a pretty wild six months of newness and discovery. It has also been a tremendous learning curve of trying to manage life and the museum here. I have learned to snorkel, learned where to buy the best fruit, learned the cheapest places to take hungry teenagers out to eat, learned a lot about cannons, learned a lot about shipwrecks. According to Deneen, I have also learned to get along with others and learned to put myself in others shoes. So maybe that's not so bad.

I find that I don't get as much done here as I want to. I also don't get as much done as I did in my previous job. But I also don't work ten hours a day, and I don't work much at home.

In that sense, I have done more and experienced more in the last six months than I have in the previous six years. And I hope the curve there does not stop.

The next six months will be big. The honeymoon is over. I need to start to produce. We are behind on many projects. But the tour season ends at the end of March and we will begin to gear up for projects to begin this summer.

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