This weekend was Museum Day, the annual celebration of the opening of the museum.
What a bust! There are 350 days of sunshine a year in the Turks and Caicos. But today is not one of of them. It was raining so hard this evening that we had to cancel our event at the last minute. But then we had to stay around for the five people who showed up.
Yesterday was the children's portion. It was also very overcast and rainy. We had nine kids show up. But when I asked one of them how it was going he said, "Me and these kids in heaven." There is nothing like one-to-one staff time!
The best part of the day was the pitch dark box slide we made all the way down the stairhall in the science building. Good ideas should always be repeated. We received a shipment of file cabinets this month and the boxes got their second use before being thrown away(which is part of my new sustainability platform: everything has to have at least two uses before becoming trash).
Do you remember the precedent for this children's activity? The box slide was part of a "wrecking" hunt activity (wrecking is the historic word for scavenging here). Children had to climb up the boxes, complete a task, and then slide back down. The third picture is Joseph coming down. This was as much fun for our staff, me included, as it was for the kids. It was really fun, and hilariously funny listening to everyone scream when they hit the slides in the dark.
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